Sunday 26 April 2009

Using the internet

Very few books really incorporate the internet as a kind of appendix. One example, though, is Johannes Dillinger's Hexen und Magie (Campus Verlag, 2007). On various places in the book, a mouse icon is printed, which means that the reader can go to the publisher's web site to read an extract of the source that is referred to.

The book e.g. contains a short section on spirits of the dead ('Totengeister') which in very few lines reviews the historical vampire and some of the prevalent theories. The reader is referred to an extract from Johann Christoph Harenberg's Vernünftige und christliche Gedanken über die Vampirs oder blut-saugende Toten (1733) which can be found as source text no 13 here.

1 comment:

klavaza said...

A very clever way to integrate an atomic medium with an electronic one, to use the definitions given by Nicolas Negroponte in his book, Being Digital. It is fairly possible that in the future, a nearing one BTW, every book will be designed that way.

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